Wednesday, December 05, 2001

I found a weblog that is much more like the sort of weblog I wish I to open up a bit, witty, clever, much more well written than my own attempts at posting, which are a bit sad, and link laden, to say the least. Links are an excuse to hide behind, I admit. I'm sure my friends feel differently, the ones that read this. Oh, wait...only one of my friends has read this site, that's right...and she's a bit busy, what with the whole wriggling child thing and all. (Hi Elizabeth!) Granted, I can always justify it by saying that I collect these links mostly so I will have the chance to look at them later, when I get a better connection, which is technically true...I also know better. I pride myself a writer, and yet have constructed a mediocre, (my opinion, I know, but my weblog) page. Ick. Well, the only thing to do is try harder, I suppose. I'm a bit nervous about getting too personal, mind you, but hey, isn't that what it's all about? After all, it's certainly not like I really designed this log for anyone else to see, although that is a pleasant (?) side effect. Sort of a risk-free exhibitionism, which I think I've already said. *sigh* Oh well. I guess there's none can be done about it but to carry on. Oh yeah, the link to the website is here.


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