Tuesday, December 04, 2001

Get your news here. Or learn to program here. Alternately, you can find a place to just plain learn here. I got the standard tuning of a guitar off of one of the sites it links to. "The goal of tuning is to put your strings in tune with each other. You strings should be tuned to the following notes (low-to-high): EADGBE. This is called 'standard tuning.' There are many other possible tunings, but I will not discuss those here." Pretty cool because I plan to learn guitar next year sometime. (First I have to get one.) That came from this comprehensive site, by the way. Everything you need to play guitar, although if you want to build one, you'll have to look elsewhere. Memory tools here, not to throw in something completely random or anything. (I can't spell anything today...you may notice that my vocabulary is not its usual charming self...)


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