Tuesday, December 04, 2001

Okay, so I've been falling down on the job lately, I admit. Anyway, have I got a long list of links for you. Here is the dollar stretcher homepage, for those of us who live below the federal poverty line, like me. Not Just Beans has a similar concept, but as a cooking-oriented site. Here is a somewhat related site that has some nice tips on various topics.

Apparently, an infusion of hebs in olive oil mixed with beeswax is the basic base for a balm. I think with cocoa butter and/or lanolin etc you could end up with something interesting here. Maybe some pau d'arco and some burdock....hmm....

Something broken? Fix it here or maybe here. Also good to take apart your various microwaves from the 70's and 80's and build a death ray. Wine! Make your own wine! (Does not include how to make your own women and song, sorry.) Wine is a fascinating substance, really. Making wine is especially entertaining. Nothing like letting stuff sit around and trasmute. Lots to know about alcoholic type beverages. Food and wine have gone together for centuries.


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