Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Couple of things...the writing is coming along, not well, I've abandoned my original approach and decided to actually sit down and write an outline. Many authors say that real writers don't write from outlines, and I believed that for a long time, until someone pointed out to me that those authors simply don't write their outlines down - they still have them. The outline is coming well, and I have not been foolish enough to scrap everything I've written so far - nothing gets thrown out! I can't stand it when you people do that. Edited perhaps in the next draft, but nothing gets thrown out in the writing process and finished works are either not finished or things you move on from, not burn or throw away or edit down to a single line - you people know who you are.

Some webcomics, though webcomics fans do not read this blog I don't believe. Mansion of E is pretty good, I'm not bothering to look up the links on these, The Dreamland Chronicles is also good despite being the sort of art I usually can't stand, and The Gods of ArrKelaan is pretty freaking amazing. Joe Bob says check them out.

My job is stressful but still okay. I'm having to exert more conscious will to remember to be empathetic, but stress in my own life probably doesn't help with that. I've discovered that I apparently project as my primary way of relating to people a sense of reassurance. Everyone can use reassurance, especially those that don't need it.

Check out this site, it is really delving into some of the things I've been merely dipping my mental toes into -


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"finished works are either not finished or things you move on from, not burn or throw away or edit down to a single line - you people know who you are."

Guilty as charged. I'm working on it. LOL

Hope the new approach works out for you. I'm starting to keep a filing cabinet and even if I think my notes are crap they're getting filed away for the rainy day that I start feel like actually finishing them. It's a step up from scrapping everything, huh?

2/17/2008 11:45 AM  

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