Tuesday, January 15, 2002

My Boss's keyboard looks a bit different than mine. These folks are always interesting. More frugality stuff. Customized desktop site. Sustainable living. Frugal crap. Can you tell I was disappointed with modern life last year? (Always have been with certain aspects of it.) Not all of it, because in many ways the cutting edge of modern life and technology are essential parts of both my life and my interests, so I'm not a luddite, exactly. I just have always felt that it is getting harder and harder to see the real world through all of the BS that we've wrapped ourselves up in, telling ourselves that it was the "real world". Everyone in Dallas, for example, acts as if the latest thing to happen in their life is the first such thing to ever happen. It's an egocentric denial of their lack of novelty. I hope I'm not the same. (Now *that's* an original thought, isn't it? No one has ever gone through that process before...especially not every single human to ever hit my age.) :)


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