Thursday, January 10, 2002

A day at my job:
"Misc Company, can I help you?"
"Yes, do you have anything near Memphis, TN?"
"No, sir, not within 300 miles of there."
"How about in Jackson, TN?"
"No, sir that is within the 300 mile radius I just searched."
"You got anything close out of Arkansas?"
"I have one in Texarkana."
"That's too far away! You got anything close?"
"No, sir, no matter how many different ways you phrase it, I still have the same answer to the exact same question."
"Does Bob still work there?"
"Yes, sir."
"Does he still do the Jackson area?"
"We don't divide it up like that. Everyone has the exact same list in our computer system, so we don't look like complete feebs."
"Lemme talk to Bob."
"*SIGH* One moment."


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