Tuesday, October 01, 2002

"Most comic strip cartoonists draw their daily comic strips 13" wide by 4" tall. Most single-panel cartoonists draw their daily panel 7" wide by 7" high, not counting the extra space for the caption placed underneath the drawing. You can draw larger or smaller than that, as long as your cartoons are in proportion to those sizes. "

So that's a little information from King Features Syndicate's submission guidelines. I am scripting a comic strip right now, to be drawn at a later date, like sometime when I have time. The idea is for me to get a year's worth of strips done before putting any online. I can't stand webcomics who don't update, and I have little enough faith in myself on that issue to not take precautions. I don't know why I'm doing it, though...I have all the artistic ability of a stapler. Still, it might be fun, and certainly it's something to do. Mind you, I have no intention of actually submitting to King Features or any other Syndicate, but the guidelines help.


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