You know, I get the damndest songs stuck in my head. It's rarely music I really like, more just these little inane bits of pop culture from this century's bargain bin - little odds and ends that filter down into my unconscious from the collective version. I suppose if I watched more TV, it would be the jingles from the commercials that got stuck in my head, but this is neatly prevented by my inability to afford one of those complicated sattelite systems, and no real desire to get TV unless I can watch the independent film channel all day long. (Okay, and discovery channel, cartoon network, and the food channel, but still...)
Anyway, without further ado, the songs stuck in my head this morning:
"Sweet Caroline", by, I believe, Neil Diamond (and may God have mercy on your soul...)
"Look at me, here I am" or whatever the actual title is, from the Muppets Take Manhatten
Some sort of instrumental Big Band jazz piece that I don't really recognize, which either means that my subconscious is actually writing its own tunes while I try to ignore it, a possibility I find unlikely but fascinating in its implications if true, or some piece I have heard before that I just don't remember, in which case it is almost as interesting because obviously some part of me does. Hmph.]
that godawful "Bittersweet Symphony" song that pops into my head from time to time, enough to burn me on U2 knockoff bands for all of eternity, as if good taste and a somewhat tepid response to the original hadn't already presented me with this same opinion. It's gone from wet-cardboard pap that's relatively innoffensive to a personal assault. This song getting stuck in my head can almost ruin a day. All I hear, over and over, is the violin refrain from that song, paired with either the chorus or that point where the singer's linearity dissolves into the circular babbling of a circus monkey on mescaline..."I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change I can't change...." My god, I think you have made that fact so much more than painfully obvious. You can't even change the goddamned sentence, although I can certainly change the radio station. Unless, of course, it is the! DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!
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