Tuesday, January 08, 2002

You know what just occurred to me? Part of the reason for the rate of time passage changing so much as we age might have to do with sleep deprivation. Granted, it's a bit out there, but still. I mean, after all, it seems fairly obvious that a great deal of it has to do with life becoming increasingly more and more familiar, so that the brain can therefore reject countless bits of redundant information, but I think this is something to consider. I know that I, for one, certainly seem to have a slower passage of time on the rare occasions where I am completely rested. This kind of follows along with my theory that a lot of the early problems with the aging process are simply neuromuscular bad habits that we develop, perpetuate, and aggravate over the course of young adulthood, although they are standalone. (As an aside, you know you have reached a new low when you are assigned a job that is used to define beaurocracy in a Douglas Adams novel...say hello to the newest phone sanitizer. My god, my entire existence has become superflous...)


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